Hear is how the 'PNP-Fut.mdb' database on the PNP3 Master works. When ever you do a send later, a record in the PNP-Fut.mdb database is created with a send date and send time. The PNP Master then puts the date and time into a timer and waits until that date arrives, then sends the message. If you add your own records into that database they will not be put into the masters timer. So, to take care of this we have added a setting on the PNP Master, that you can set yourself, for how often you want the master to check for new records. It can be every 10 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min, etc. This setting is located in the PNP Master Settings. They are five fields in each record. dateOfMessage, timeOfMessage, message, repeat, and id dateOfMessage is the next send date timeOfMessage is the next send time message is the actual message string that is send to the computer repeat is how often the message is sent (repetition then a comma, period then a comma, and until date) id is a random string 10 characters long of letters from A-Z The 'message' has 29 fields of its own. With each field seperated by the following: '~' Here are the fields in order: server name server's ip address to name (has commas and a space before every name) from name from ip address send date send time repeat (repetition then a comma, period then a comma, and until date) urgent (0 is off, 1 is on) must acknowledge (0 is off, 1 is on) confidential (0 is off, 1 is on) subject name company account num phone num extension fax num manual fax check box 1 (0 is off, 1 is on) check box 2 (0 is off, 1 is on) check box 3 (0 is off, 1 is on) check box 4 (0 is off, 1 is on) check box 5 (0 is off, 1 is on) check box 6 (0 is off, 1 is on) message in rich text format (does not have to be rich text) resend (only used when a message is re-sent, can be left blank for send laters) comments attachName attachSize attachment attachFileName Visual Basic Code for adding new messages to the PNP-Fut.mdb database ==================================================================== Public Sub AddMessageToFutureFolder() Dim dbsPNP As Database, rstPNP As Recordset Set dbsPNP = OpenDatabase("PNP-Fut.mdb") Set rstPNP = dbsPNP.OpenRecordset("Messages") With rstPNP .AddNew !dateOfMessage = message.sendDate !timeofmessage = message.sendTime !repeat = LCase(message.repeat) !message = SendString !id = RandomID .Update .Close End With dbsPNP.Close End Sub Public Function RandomID() As String Dim r$, i! Randomize Timer For i = 1 To 10 r = r & Chr$(Int((26 * Rnd) + 1) + 96) Next i RandomID = UCase(r) End Function Public Function SendString() As String SendString = serverName & "`~`" & serverAddress & _ "`~`" & message.toName & "`~`" & message.fromName & _ "`~`" & message.sendDate & _ "`~`" & message.sendTime & _ "`~`" & message.repeat & _ "`~`" & message.urgent & _ "`~`" & message.mustAcknowledge & _ "`~`" & message.confidential & _ "`~`" & message.subject & _ "`~`" & message.Name & _ "`~`" & message.company & _ "`~`" & message.accountNum & _ "`~`" & message.phoneNum & _ "`~`" & message.extension & _ "`~`" & message.faxNumber & _ "`~`" & message.telephoned & _ "`~`" & message.cameToSeeYou & _ "`~`" & message.wantsToSeeYou & _ "`~`" & message.pleaseCall & _ "`~`" & message.returnedYourCall & _ "`~`" & message.willCallAgain & _ "`~`" & message.manualFax & _ "`~`" & message.message & "`~`" & message.resend & "`~`" & message.comments & _ "`~`" & message.attachName & "`~`" & message.attachSize & "`~`" & message.attachment & "`~`" & message.attachFileName End Function